
Camino Francés


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Finding the river route can be tricky!

From Castañares there are again two routes into Burgos, the Road Route and the River Route. The latter can be difficult to find because businesses repaint the yellow arrows on an almost daily basis. The most important part to remember is that the River Route does not leave Castañares along the busy road, see map.

To find it, cross the main road in Castañares near the bar Peregrina T. A short ways on you will find a small plaza and children’s play area with a fountain. Stay on that road, the Lugar de Barrio Castañares, towards a cement factory at its end.

From there turn right to pick up the trail again. It crosses a small bridge, parallels the A1 for a short distance (well separated from the road) before passing underneath it. At this point you can follow the trail, keeping the river on your right-hand side all the way into the center of Burgos. You will pass the circular Plaza de Toros and several bridges across the river. If you cross the river at the Puente de San Pablo you will be near the center of town and not far from the Municipal albergue.

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Accommodation in Castañares
