Venda do Brasil

Camino Portugués


Camino Portugués App

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Gas station with café.

The Road:

Avoid the temptation to follow other pilgrims that might be turning right at the large intersection in Venda do Brasil, faded arrows and older guidebooks describe that as the way. The safer and more pilgrim friendly option is to keep on straight past the gas station on your right-hand side.

150m beyond the gas station a gravel road marked Casais Granja takes you up uphill.
At the first fork keep right.
At the next T-intersection turn right.
At the next fork turn right.
And then shortly after turn left to go behind a house.
The camino rejoins the main road briefly, only to turn left off the road again.

This is the new camino, and it avoids both the road and the next town of Junqueira even more than the old camino. Shortly before arriving at Junqueira it turns off to the left once more and back onto a gravel track.

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