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Not to be confused as merely a suburb of Lisbon, the Sacavém coat of arms depicts a Roman bridge for good reason; the one they built here remained in use until the 17th century.

The Road:

NEW RIVER WALK: Where the camino meets the river in Sacavém a new river walk has opened which bypasses Alpriate altogether. Here is a breakdown of services and landmarks along the way:

0-5: Wooden pier

5.4: Exit to train station Santa Iria & grocery/restaurants

6.1: End wooden pier, start of asphalt path

8: Exit to train station Povoa & grocery/restaurants

9.6: Praia do Pescadores, "Riverside Lounge Bar"

9.7: Start wooden pier

10.5: End wooden pier

10.6: Camino through reed

12.3: Reunification with old camino

13.8: Train station Alverca, all services

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