Besteiros - Travanca

Camino Portugués


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There is nothing particularly tricky about this section, but the turn off only has one arrow and the camino path is an unlikely one. If you miss it and get to the junction with the busy N1, you have gone too far, but there are old arrows there which might convince you otherwise. RETRACE YOUR STEPS, DO NOT FOLLOW THE ROAD.

The turn off is on your right, steeply up what might be considered the driveway to a house. Behind the house are the now familiar railway and the camino turns left to pass under the bridge. It follows the railway for a short distance before turning left onto a gravel track. This turn off is evident.

NOTE: This is an ACTIVE railway.

The Road:

After the railway crossing, turn right at the first intersection. This road will take you upwards and over the highway at a large half-cloverleaf intersection. It then descends. At the first intersection turn right. 

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