Alverca do Ribatejo

Camino Portugués


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The expectation is that you walk on the left side of the road, against oncoming traffic. For this reason, the arrows are more abundant and easier to see from the left side of the road. Keep an eye out for them on traffic and electric posts.


Alverca was the home of Portugal’s first International Airport until the 1940’s when Lisbon opened its replacement. To fill the void left by its departure, they built the Museu do Ar, which as aviation museums go ranks pretty high. It also has a stamp.

The Road:

When approaching Alverca, keep an eye out for the Air Museum on your right-hand side. Opposite it is the pedestrian bridge over the railway that you will need to cross over into town. 

Follow the arrows and Fatima signs and to the N10. It is a busy road but with wide berms.

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