
Camino Portugués


Camino Portugués App

The same great content and more in your pocket, the most up-to-date guidebook to the Camino Portugués available.

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The Road:

The way from Aguim to Anadia is well marked and clearly understood, with one exception: when nearing Anadia along the road, an electric pole on your left has some wiggly looking arrows which suggest that you jog left then right to go into the woods. This was once the way and will still get you there, but the official arrows point you straight along the road.

In either case, turn left when you get to another road some 400m from this confusing point. This will take you around the newly built sports complex. On the other end keep on the road; turning left at the first roundabout, left at the second roundabout, and right at the third; all are well marked.

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